Varmt välkommen till en öppen föreläsning med de kanadensiska keramikerna Brian McArthur och Dawn Detarando!

Datum & tid: Onsdag den 22 november kl. 13.00
Plats: Wallénhallen, Leksands folkhögskola

Keramikutbildningen gästas av de kanadensiska keramikerna Brian McArthur och Dawn Detarando. De kommer att leda en veckas workshop och under vistelsen bjuder vi in till en föreläsning öppen för alla som är intresserade.
Föreläsningen är på engelska.

In this lecture, Brian and Dawn will take you a winding visual journey accompanied by each describing the paths they took to becoming full time artists.

The presentation will go over their early beginnings of teaching, while making tiles in the back of a small garage to building their dream studio and starting their company Voyager Art Inc.  In their studio they have found a balance between producing large public art commissions in a variety of mediums including glass mosaic, aluminum, bronze, and carved brick, with their line of decorative tiles inspired by Canda’s flora and fauna that they wholesale to galleries and stores.  Beyond these two main pursuits they squeeze in time for their own personal creative endeavours of making sculpture in the studio and when possible, creating works in snow and ice.

Brian McArthur and Dawn Detarando are the co-owners and creative minds behind Voyager Art & Tile, a professional studio producing public art and a Canadian-inspired line of decorative fine craft tiles. Both Brian and Dawn are traditionally trained in the fine arts and maintain their own studio practices. Read more: